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ITOM-Academy: IT Service Management & Enterprise Service Management

The topic "ITSM" covers "IT Service Management", "Enterprise Service Management" (ESM),
and the automation to make it work better.

The suite contains several products (depending on the license you use),
some containerized and some with classic installation.

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Suites, Products, Features, and Modules

Abbreviation Full Product Name Remarks
SMAX Service Manager Automation X IT Service Management & Enterprise Service Management suite, may include HCMX
SM Service Manager IT Service Management
AMX Asset Manager X Asset Management, available for SMAX
HCMX Hybrid Cloud Management X Hybrid Cloud Management, includes OO
UCMDB & UD Universal Discovery & UCMDB Configuration Discovery, Configuration Management
CIT Connect-IT Data Exchange, Data Conversion
OO Operations Orchestration Orchestration, available for HCMX, OpsB, SMAX
SACM Service Asset and Configuration Management available for SMAX
SAM Software Asset Management available for SMAX
DND Design and Deploy available for HCMX
CGRO Cost Governance and Resource Optimization available for HCMX

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